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How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies

August 20, 2020 2:29 pm

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies

Did you know that summer is peak fruit fly season? They seem to thrive in the warm humid summer months here on the coast. Have you ever wondered how they “suddenly” appear? Did you know that ORGANIC fruit has a stronger attraction? The clean, healthy lifestyles of the residents of Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach, and the other beach communities are predominately those of fresh air, exercise, and healthy foods, including plenty of organic fruit. Here are some handy tips should you ever need them to get rid of fruit flies.

Immediately wash fruit well

Whether your fresh fruit arrives on your doorstep by delivery or you are doing your own shopping, it is imperative that you immediately wash it well and then put it away.


There is much debate on whether to refrigerate or not to refrigerate fruit, so after you’ve washed it well, store it in the refrigerator if that’s your preference. If you keep it on a counter in a bowl, you can cover the bowl with plastic wrap or cheesecloth.


No one wants to load up their living environment with chemicals, so here are some easy, inexpensive, and delightful ways to repel the annoying critters.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are non-toxic, inexpensive, smell wonderful, and certain fragrances repel fruit flies. Some examples are Lavender, Tea Tree, Lemongrass, Citronella, Eucalyptus, and Citrus. It can be as simple as putting some oils on a cotton ball and placing them strategically or creating a spray of your own and wiping down the counters and cabinets with after cleaning. The fragrance will be as light or as strong as you make it. There are many recipes and suggestions to be found online.

Capture method

The capture method is old school, but it works. Take an empty can, rinse it out, and pour some apple cider vinegar with a squirt of dish soap into the bottom of the can. You do not need much of either. Cover the top of the can with plastic wrap and secure it with a rubber band. Poke small holes into the plastic wrap and set the can near the fruit. The apple cider vinegar lures the fruit flies through the tiny holes, but they become trapped and cannot escape. Once you no longer see any pesky little fruit flies, simply throw the can away in an outdoor receptacle.

Drains and garbage

Keep your drains clean. You can freshen them regularly with some lemon juice, run a small amount of vinegar and baking soda through your garbage disposal, run a small amount of baking soda and dish soap with boiling water through it, or pour some Borax powder and boiling water into it. This will keep your drains clean and fresh smelling and will not attract fruit flies. It is also very important to take the trash out, perhaps more frequently than during cooler months, especially if it contains peels, rinds, skins, seeds, or fruit.

Over ripened fruit

Finally, pay close attention to any fruit stored on the counter. Be aware of its ripening stages. Organic fruit ripens more quickly. When you notice your fruit ripening, it’s best to get it eaten quickly, prep it in a way that it can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer, or better yet…make a beautiful dessert for all to enjoy!

We hope you’ve found this helpful. Until next time!


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